30 March 2014

DoD to look at consolidating commissaries, exchanges | RallyPoint.com

Military News - DoD to look at consolidating commissaries, exchanges

Image Copyright: Steve Helber/AP

By Karen Jowers, Staff writer
Copyright: www.militarytimes.com

Defense officials have ordered a review of options that include consolidating commissaries and exchanges, as well as having commissaries adopt an “Exchange-like business model,” according to information obtained by Military Times.

The review will be conducted by the Pentagon’s Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation Office, according to an internal Pentagon email sent Thursday by Christine Fox, acting deputy secretary of defense, a copy of which was obtained by Military Times and later verified by defense officials.

Fox’s email also says she has directed the Defense Department to ask Congress for two “significant changes” in law: allowing commissaries to raise prices rather than sell groceries at cost from distributors and manufacturers; and allowing commissaries to sell generic products, rather than limiting the stores to selling name-brand goods.

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