04 April 2014

Air Force leaders stand firm on plans to cut A-10, C-130s | RallyPoint.com

Military News - Air Force leaders stand firm on plans to cut A-10, C-130s

Image Copyright: Alan Lessig/Staff

By Oriana Pawlyk, Staff writer
Copyright: www.militarytimes.com

Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Welsh and Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James on Wednesday defended plans to scrap the A-10 fleet and retire roughly 40 C-130s to skeptical lawmakers who cautioned against making radical force structure changes too quickly.

“I understand, General Welsh, the dilemma you face, I mean you didn’t pass sequestration, we did,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C. “[But I still] believe the A-10 is unique,” he said.

The Air Force said it needs to retire the A-10 because it’s a single mission aircraft. Service officials say they would achieve more savings by retiring a full fleet of aircraft versus more aircraft over multiple fleets.

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