30 April 2014

House markup cuts one LCS, supports 11 carriers | RallyPoint.com

Military News - House markup cuts one LCS, supports 11 carriers

Image Copyright: Lockheed Martin

By Christopher P. Cavas, Staff writer
Copyright: www.militarytimes.com

WASHINGTON — The House Seapower subcommittee markup that was revealed on Tuesday offered at least one surprise — cutting the Navy’s request for three littoral combat ships to only two — but the bill supports the other new ship requests, including two destroyers and two submarines.

As expected, the mark supports a full 11-carrier fleet and opposes the Navy’s desire to decommission the aircraft carrier George Washington if there is no change in the mandated sequestration budget cuts. The Seapower and Projection Forces subcommittee would provide full funding for the carrier’s reactor refueling overhaul, as well as ensuring full funding for the Gerald R. Ford, first of a new class of carrier now under construction.

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