12 April 2014

Inside the FBI’s secret relationship with special operations | RallyPoint.com

Military News - Inside the FBI’s secret relationship with special operations

Image Copyright: U.S. Marines

By Adam Goldman and Julie Tate
Copyright: The Washington Post

When U.S. Special Operations forces raided several houses in the Iraqi city of Ramadi in March 2006, two Army Rangers were killed when gunfire erupted on the ground floor of one home. A third member of the team was knocked unconscious and shredded by ball bearings when a teenage insurgent detonated a suicide vest.

In a review of the nighttime strike for a relative of one of the dead Rangers, military officials sketched out the sequence of events using small dots to chart the soldiers’ movements. Who, the relative asked, was this man — the one represented by a blue dot and nearly killed by the suicide bomber?

After some hesi­ta­tion, the military briefers answered with three letters: FBI.

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